Monday, February 4, 2008

Porn Proof Your Relationship

by Mishaun Taylor

Porn can be a really sticky issue in a relationship. If you are afraid that your interest or your spouse's interest in porn could possibly turn into an addiction or cause other problems in your relationship, there are things you can do that might help. Here are some great tips to porn proof your relationship:

1. Don't stop trying - One thing that can cause a relationship to grow distant and lead to porn problems is that the couple stops trying. If you remember the way your relationship was when you first married or first started dating, you probably remember that you did a lot of things to impress your spouse. As time progresses, we stop doing things like this because we become secure and comfortable within the relationship. When you continue to do these things for your spouse, things will stay more interesting and there will be less temptation to turn to porn.

2. Don't be afraid to experiment - While you should certainly never do something that is going to make you feel uncomfortable, you shouldn't be afraid to experiment with your sexuality. Trying new things and tossing things up a bit from time to time can be a real turn-on for both of you and will keep things interesting in your relationship. You can explore each other's fantasies (within reason), you can role play and many other things that will keep both of you interested in each other and not a picture of something.

3. Spend time together - Try to spend time with your spouse regularly, as this strengthens bonds and keeps you closer together. In fact, every once in a while you should take a mini vacation or a romantic weekend away. Very often, with the busy lives that we lead today, it can be easy to become distanced from your spouse. Taking time away to just enjoy each other can stop the temptation to turn to other things, such as porn.

4. Initiate more often - If you are never the one to initiate sex within your relationship, you should most definitely do so. Your spouse may feel that you don't find them attractive if you never act as though you want to be intimate with them. When you show you are attracted to them and that you want to be intimate with them, it is a real turn-on and that will keep your spouse from turning to porn.

5. Compliment your spouse - Many people turn to porn because they are seeking gratification and may feel insecure. If you make sure to compliment your spouse often, it will alleviate a lot of their insecurities. This will let them know that you find them attractive and they will feel less compelled to check out porn. When they have someone at home who finds them incredibly sexy, they will not have the need to indulge in fantasies online or in a magazine.

Following these tips can help you prevent porn from coming into your relationship. When you take time to care for your relationship, you can make sure things like this don't become a concern in your life or in your marriage

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