Online Tools To Help You Catch Your Partner Watching Internet Porn
Author: Mishaun Taylor
If you are suspicious that your spouse or partner is watching internet porn, you probably feel a wide range of emotions. You are probably hopeful that you are wrong, scared that you might be right, and maybe betrayed or worried about what is wrong with you so much that it would drive your partner to do something like this. There is a rollercoaster full of emotions that you will have to deal with, but you need some type of proof in order to take action. Luckily, there are a ton of different resources you can utilize to find out for sure if your partner is watching internet porn. Here are some of the most effective tools that you can use right now to catch your partner watching internet porn.
E-blaster -
This is a downloadable software program that allows you to find out exactly what your spouse is doing online while you're not there. In fact, you can find out what they are doing if you're thousands of miles away. This software will record your spouse's e-mails, chats, instant messages, and keystrokes typed. Most importantly for someone who suspects online pornography, this software records exactly what websites your spouse visits. Then you get this recorded information sent to your e-mail address so you can find out exactly what is going on. This is a great way to catch him in the act of watching porn!
Spector -
This is a downloadable professional edition that works a bit differently from other types of software. Every hour, this software takes snapshots of what is on your computer as well as TRUE e-mail capture. It doesn't matter if your spouse's e-mail is a web-based e-mail such as Yahoo or Hotmail. It also features instant messenger capture as well as a key logger. You will be notified immediately if your computer visits inappropriate websites or if they participate in inappropriate web conversations. This software has been given the PC Magazine Editors' Choice award for best surveillance software.
PC Pandora -
This is another downloadable software that is virtually undetectable. With this program, you are able to review everything that happens on your computer or your spouse's computer. In fact, you are able to view e-mails, websites that have been visited, instant messages, and more. You can instantly find out what your spouse is looking at online and you will have the proof to confront him or her and finally seek some sort of help for the issue.
No matter what kind of online tool you utilize, it is important to you that you find out the truth. If you are feeling like you or the marriage are threatened by your suspicions, this is the best way to find out what is really happening. You don't want to confront your spouse about this embarrassing issue unless you are sure that something is happening. However, once you receive your proof, you can handle the issue with the appropriate methods, whether it's counseling, some sort of group, etc. These are the best ways to get proof that your partner is watching internet porn.